即使在他的認知中 音樂是無法用任何文字來解釋清楚的
他的文筆實在是太美了 他的悲觀及無人能比的細膩的個性表露無遺
The Introduction is the kernel of the whole symphony, without question its main idea... This is Fate, the force of destiny, which ever prevents our pursuit of happiness from reaching its goal, which jealously stands watch lest our peace and well-being be full and cloudless, which hangs like the sword of Damocles over our heads and constantly, ceaselessly poisons our souls. It is invincible, inescapable. One can only resign oneself and lament fruitlessly... This disconsolate and despairing feelings grows ever stronger and more intense. Would it not be better to turn away from reality and immerse oneself in dreams?
How wonderful! How distant now is the sound of the implacable first theme! Dreams little by little have taken over the soul. All that is dark and bleak if forgotten. There it is, there it is-- happiness!
But no! These were only dreams, and Fate awakens us from them...
And thus, all life is the ceaseless alternation of bitter reality with evanescent cisions and dreams of happiness... There is no refuge. We are buffeted about by this sea until it seizes us and pull is down to the bottom. There you have roughly the first movement.
The second movement of the symphony expresses a different aspect of sorrow, that melancholy feeling that arises in the evening as you sit alone, worn out from your labors. You've picked up a book, but it has fallen from your hands. A whole procession of memories goes by. And we are sad that so much already is over and gone, and at the same time we remember our youth with pleasure. We regret the past, and yet we have no wish to start life anew. We are weary of life. How pleasant to relax and look back. Much comes to mind! There were blissful moments, when our young blood seethed and life was good. And there were bitter moments of irretrievable loss. But it is all so far off now. It is at once sad and somehow sweet to lose ourselves in the past...
The third movement does not express definite feelings. These are, rather, capricious arabesques, fugitive images which pass through one's mind when one has had a little wine to drink and is feeling the first effect of intoxication. At heart one is neither merry nor sad. One's mind is a blank: the imagination has free rein and it has come up with these strange and inexplicable designs...Among then all at once you recognize a tipsy peasant and a street song... Then somewhere in the distance a military parade goes by. These are the completely unrelated images that pass through one's head as one is about to fall asleep. They have nothing in common with reality; they are strange, wild and incoherent.
The fourth movement. If you can find no impulse for joy within yourself, look at others. Go out among the people. See how well they know how to rejoice and give themselves up utterly to glad feelings. It is a picture of a popular holiday festivity. But hardly have you succeeded in forgetting yourself and enjoying the spectacle of other's joys, when tireless Fate reappears and in sinuates itself. But the others pay no heed. They do not even look around to see you standing there, lonely and depressed. Oh, how merry they are! And how fortunate, that all their feelings are direct and simple. Never say that all the world is sad. You have only yourself to blame. There are joys, strong though simple. Why not rejoice through the joys of others? One can live that way, after all.
我很想把他翻出來 但又覺得自己的中文程度很差
只有這麼如此悲觀到了一個極致 並且多愁善感的人 才會寫出這麼美的文章
他獨自一個人站在人煙沸騰的地方 卻沒有屬於自己的角落
只能讓時間點點的消失 面對無情的命運 卻也只能悠悠的回首過去
現實與夢境的對比 無法不面對自己的人生 只好從不存在的世界中找尋歡樂